Our Story
Baking Since 1860
The Moores family have been baking in Dorset for over 140 years meaning we are one of Britain's longer-established biscuit makers. Still run by the Moores family, the firm as we know it today is situated just 5 miles from the site of the original bakery
Sometime before 1860 the Moores family were established in the Marshwood Vale, West Dorset with a small farmhouse, watermill and a bakery in the yard. After bread making it was custom to make Dorset Knobs using left over dough, this was dried out in the ovens to produce a rusk like product.

The Moores Bakery is established in Morcombelake by Samuel Moores, who was one of four sons who were all bakers. All four sons were well known in the local area for making Dorset Knobs as well as other bakery products.

The popularity of Moores baked goods grows and vans travel consistently between Bridport and Lyme Regis. The keeping quality of the Dorset Knob is improved for the first time with the introduction of them being packed in tins.

By the end of the Second World War the last of the other Moores bakeries had closed. The Bakery in Morecombelake continues to flourish and a self-contained shop for visitors opens.

New types of sweet biscuits are developed starting with Dorset Gingers and Walnut Crunch. The traditional ovens are replaced with rack ovens, which are still used today. More biscuit making and packing machines are introduced.

The ever-growing reputation for Moores products means the bakery sees steady expansion to meet the demands of its consumers. New biscuit ranges are introduced and products are distributed around the world.

After over 100 years of baking, in 2006 the Moores Bakery moves from its original site in Morcomeblake, just a few miles down the road to a new home in Bridport.

140 years on from its humble beginnings, Moores Biscuits is still owned and run by the Moores family. The bakery continues today not unlike it did when the business was founded, making a wide range of sweet biscuits, cakes, granolas and, of course, the famous Dorset Knob.